Trusteam Optimum

Mixed fund – SRI*2

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share of sustainable investment in the fund
Trusteam Optimum is a mixed fund primarly composed of “Investment Grade” bonds, launched in 2002.

It serves as an alternative to Investment Grade “corporate” bond funds, offering 3 additional performance drivers:
– Convertible bonds (up to 10% of assets)
– “High-yield” bonds (up to 20% of assets)
– Equities regularly associated with call sales (up to 15% of assets)

The Customer Satisfaction approach to give meaning to investment.

Within a controlled mixed management approach, the fund aims to:
– Control volatility over 5 years, with a 3% target
– Manage exposure to market risks
– Handle long-term cash flow with immediate liquidity
– Incorporate extra-financial ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance) with a significantly engaging approach (AMF) and categorised Article 8 (SFDR).

Our commitments

– A customer-driven SRI approach. Customer satisfaction as an ex-ante “social” indicator
– A demanding exclusion list: 0% exposure to fossil fuels, arms and tobacco
– A strong ambition on CO2: by the end of December 2022, 90% of our issuers have committed to a Net Zero 2050 objective.
– A policy of commitment at the heart of our investments, through individual initiatives or coalitions of investors.

Sources : Trusteam Finance and Carbon Disclosure Project data at 30/06/2023
Comparative indicator: composite indicator made up of 10% equities and 90% bonds. For equities, 937 companies belonging to the Morningstar Developed Market NR EUR and meeting the fund’s geographical criteria. For bonds, 946 issuers in Europe, Mexico, Japan and Australia, with at least €300 million outstanding, denominated in euros, with maturities (2/15 years), High Yield or Investment Grade and meeting the fund’s geographical criteria.

Funds’ evolution

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

The information presented above does not constitute a contract or investment advice. The value of the investment may vary according to market fluctuations, and the investor may lose all or part of the capital invested, as UCIs are not capital guaranteed. Access to the products and services presented here may be subject to restrictions for certain persons or countries. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances. Before subscribing, and for any further information on the characteristics, risks and fees of the UCI, investors are invited to read the regulatory documents available on the page of each UCI.

Choice of period:
Current index: EuroMTS 1-3 years since 04/02/2021, previously Eonia capitalised

Management team

Marie-Laurence Biswang
Farid Kassa
Michaël Yatime

Why should you chooseTrusteam Optimum?

– An alternative to Investment Grade “corporate” bond funds thanks to 3 additional performance drivers (HY, CB, Equities)
– Manage your cash over the long term with daily liquidity
– Integrate extra-financial ESG criteria, particularly those based on Customer Satisfaction, and give meaning to your investment

Annual Performance


Technical data

NAV as of 12.03.2025
120.8 M€
Fund outstanding as of 12.03.2025
3.74 %
Volatility over 5 years as of 07.03.2025
2.19 %
Annualized performance over 5 years as of 12.03.2025
ISIN: FR0007072160 - Creation date: 05/31/2002 - NAV: 100 - Currency: Euro

Technical characteristics

Reference indicator

Net dividends reinvested

Recommended minimum investment horizon


Funds managers




Euro MTS 1-3 YEARS
2 years
M-L. Biswang, F. Kassa, M. Yatime
2 on a scale of 1 to 7

Valuation price




Management fee incl. VAT

Administrative fee incl. VAT

Entrance fee incl. VAT

Exit fee incl. VAT

Closing price
Crédit Industriel et Commercial
CIC Asset Management
Market capitalization
1.2% Maximum
Max 2.00%

* SRI (Synthetic Risk & Reward Indicator, on a scale of 1 to 7): Level 1 = low risk & reward / Level 7 = high risk & potential for high reward.

Where and how to subscribe to the fund

Through a wealth manager at Trusteam Finance — Contact the Wealth Management team directly (contact details available on this page) to benefit from personalised support. We will suggest the solution best suited to your needs.

Through your bank — You can subscribe by sending the ISIN code associated with the fund to your usual contact. The fund can then be deposited in a securities account, a PEA (if eligible), a life insurance policy or a PERP.

Through your independent financial advisor — Your independent financial advisor will help you select the fund from the Trusteam Finance range that best suits your asset management needs.