Our history

We have built our investment approach from a unique perspective

Acquisition of Gaspal Gestion

Trusteam acquires Gaspal Gestion, exeeding the €1 billion in assets under management and expanding our financial expertise.

Trusteam launches its Sprint Net Zero and its first systematic fund

Initiation of our collaborative engagement initiative, Sprint Net Zero, in the fight against climate change.

Launch of our new fund, TF Global Client Focus, with a systematic investment process, totally linked to customer satisfaction

1st Trusteam / Obsoco barometer on the perception of corporate engagement

Trusteam Obligation Court Terme gets the Label ISR: 97% of fund assets are SRI certified by the end of the year.
Fossil fuel phase-out for the entire company (funds and mandates, including wealth management)
Structuring of sustainable policies (SFDR), Trusteam joins IIGCC
Partnerships with Potloc and happydemics
New Wealth Mana

Signatory of the Carbon Disclosure Project

Partnership with CDP on Fixed Income, Bloom and Dynata regarding Customer Data


Partnership with B3TSI (B2B studies), Impact Management Project and Your Public Value (NGO)

Publication of our 2nd book: Customer Satisfaction and SRI

Trusteam Optimum and Trusteam Roc Flex become SRI certified : 100% of the commercialised product range is SRI certified
Partnerships with Toluna and Synomia on customer data


Trusteam joins Climate Action 100+

Trusteam creates with Ipsos and L’académie du Service the “Excellence Client” Award


Trusteam ROC and ROC Europe become get the French Label ISR
Creation of a dedicated Customer Satisfaction Research Office


Trusteam ROC and ROC Europe receive the SRI Novethic Label


Acquisition of Alcyone Finance, signatory of the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI)


Acquisition of Monte Paschi Invest, privileged partnership with Banque Monte Paschi
Exclusive partnership with IPSOS for creating the first European Customer Satisfaction Barometer


Launch of Trusteam ROC, the first international equity fund to follow our ROC (Return on Customer) process, a unique and strong investment methodology designed to identify leaders in Customer Satisfaction.


Discovering of Claes Fornell’s academic works in Harvard Business Review, the catalyst for our work on Customer Satisfaction.


Creation of Trusteam Finance, with the mission of giving a purpose to savings, by taking a different look on finance